dictionary of nursing abbreviations and acronyms

You know your a nurse when?

You can identify the following Syndromes:
You’ve been exposed to so many x-rays that you consider it a form of birth control.

Your bladder can expand to the same size as a Winnebago’s water tank.

You avoid unhealthy looking COPDers in the mall for fear that they’ll drop near you and you’ll have to do CPR on your day off.

You’ve ever held a 14-gauge needle over someone’s vein and said, “Now your going to feel a little stick.”

You can identify the “Kidney Stone Squirm” at 15 feet.

You’ve ever had a patient with a nose ring, a brow ring and twelve earrings say, “I’m afraid of shots.”

You stare at someone in utter disbelief when they actually cover their mouth to cough.

You automatically multiply by three the number of drinks a patient claims to have daily.

You can keep a straight face when a patient responds, “Just two beers.”

You develop Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from constantly locking and unlocking the Narcotic Cabinet

Your idea of a meal break is finishing your coffee before it gets cold

Discussing dismemberment over a meal seems perfectly normal

You believe the government should require a permit to reproduce

You believe the ‘On-call Nurse’ program is a satanic plot

You refer to vegetable and you don’t mean the food group

You know the local detox center number by heart

You believe a book entitled ‘Suicide: Getting it Right the First Time’ will be your next project.

You find humor in other people’s stupidity

Your idea of fine dining is sitting down to eat

You believe a good tape job will fix anything

You don’t believe 90% of what you’re told, and 75% of what you see

You have your weekends off planned a year in advance

You believe that “Shallow gene pool” should be a recognized medical diagnois

You’ve ever had a patient look you dead in the eye and say, “I don’t know how that got stuck in there”

You have ever restrained someone…and it wasn’t a sexual experience

You have recurrent nightmares of being hit and run over by the portable x-ray machine

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The meaning of nursing abbreviations may vary depending on where you live. We do not endorse using any abbreviation. Do not use the information found on this site when dealing with real patients.

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