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2 Answers to “what is the relevance of world history subject in nursing curriculum?”
January 25, 2011
Direct relevance? none. General relevance to producing a well-rounded well-educated individual? Absolutely relevant. If all you want to be is a nursing-droid incapable of seeing the interrelationships of current events and history and discussing them intelligently, and making personal political (voting) and social decisions based on that understanding., then pay no attention to that class. If you DO wish to be able to gain a greater understanding of the world as a whole, then give that class your undivided attention. The standard saying is “Those who do not learn history’s lessons are doomed to repeat them”. Take that one to the bank.
January 25, 2011
Even nursing is a subject that has impacted world history. More importantly, the relevance is to make you think…develop a whole-person vs. someone who graduates with knowledge of one subject.
Direct relevance? none. General relevance to producing a well-rounded well-educated individual? Absolutely relevant. If all you want to be is a nursing-droid incapable of seeing the interrelationships of current events and history and discussing them intelligently, and making personal political (voting) and social decisions based on that understanding., then pay no attention to that class. If you DO wish to be able to gain a greater understanding of the world as a whole, then give that class your undivided attention. The standard saying is “Those who do not learn history’s lessons are doomed to repeat them”. Take that one to the bank.
Even nursing is a subject that has impacted world history. More importantly, the relevance is to make you think…develop a whole-person vs. someone who graduates with knowledge of one subject.