I have a pt who came in with pneumonia her labs are hct-32.5 low, Hgb-10.9 low, and wbc-13.8 which is high. Why would her Hct and Hgb be low and how does that r/t pneumonia? She is 67 and all the rest of her labs are normal she is also sating at 94% on 3L. She has a hx of a L lower lobectomy. I have to write 3 top priority care plans on her. I just cant figure out why those labs are low. please help me
her rbcs were 3.82 so they were normal but on the low side and she also has a hx of GERD, and she takes a lot of pain meds
maybe shes anemic. Was her RBC’s ok? Ineffective airway clearance, infection, and ineffective breathing pattern for care plans maybe?
She could have coincidental anemia. Usually nurses can do a stool for guiac without a doctor’s order. Check that and let her doctor know if the results are positive. She’s fairly young, but that doesn’t preclude some occult bleeding somewhere.
Best of luck!