This made my dad so I thought I would pass it along
*The Seven Stages of Aging on Horseback *
Stage 1: Fall off pony. Bounce. Laugh. Climb back on. Repeat.
Stage 2: Fall off horse. Run after horse, cussing. Climb back on by shimmying up horse’s neck. Ride until sundown.
Stage 3: Fall off horse. Use sleeve of shirt to stanch bleeding. Have friend help you get back on horse. Take two Advil and apply ice packs when you get home. Ride next day.
Stage 4: Fall off horse. Refuse advice to call ambulance; drive self to urgent care clinic. Entertain nursing staff with tales of previous daredevil stunts on horseback. Back to riding before cast comes off.
Stage 5: Fall off horse. Temporarily forget name of horse and name of husband. Flirt shamelessly with paramedics when they arrive. Spend week in hospital while titanium pins are screwed in place. Start riding again before doctor gives official okay.
Stage 6: Fall off horse. Fail to see any humor when hunky paramedic says “You again?” Gain firsthand knowledge of advances in medical technology thanks to stint in ICU. Convince self that permanent limp isn’t that noticeable. Promise husband you’ll give up riding. One week later purchase older, slower, shorter horse.
Stage 7: Slip off horse. Relieved when artificial joints and implanted medical devices seem unaffected. Tell husband that scrapes and bruises are due to gardening accident. Pretend you don’t see husband roll his eyes and mutter as he walks away. Give apple to horse.
Stage 8: Go to see horse. Momentarily consider riding but remember arthritis won’t let you lift leg high enough to reach stirrup — even when on mounting block. Share beer with grateful horse & recall “good old days”.
At Olympic Spirit: A friend of mine just e-mailed this to me! I thought it was too funny!
hahahah just emailed it to my trainer. that pretty much explains her(:
Thanks for the laugh. I am at Stage 4.
Wasn’t this in Horse Illustrated? Thanks for the smile.
I saw this in my Horse Illustrated
it’s so true. Probably on about stage 2 right now, though I did laugh when I fell of a pony I was working the other day, ha ha.
LOL, too funny! I love it, thanks for sharing!
Saw this on COTH last week. It’s been making the rounds.
I enjoyed that
LOL classic….. glad to see what I’ve got to look forward to (not).
Guessing I’m still at stage 3.
Or maybe 4.
For me I started with stage 3 . . . . then went to one. Oh well!
“Share beer with horse and recall good old days” Really made me laugh out loud
This was cute
Im still in step 2
Woo! Stage one for me! But I am only 13 so… yeah!
LOL, that’s brilliant! Thanks for the laugh! I think I’m around stage 2.
I needed that.
I think I’m around stage 2 or 3. Little of both.
hahaha i love it!
That was in the latest horse magizine I got(can’t remember wich one, I get so many). LOL! Last horse related ER visit I was at ‘stage 4′. lol Complete with scareing the nursing staff and riding 3 days later with my arm in a sling.
Stage 4 for me!!!! haha i love this