I want to make an NCP regarding UTI(urinary tract infection) using the ADPIE. Please help me.
dictionary of nursing abbreviations and acronyms
1) State your nursing diagnosis e.g., “Alteration in Comfort (or whatever is the #1 concern.)” (state evidences)
2) Patient Goal-e.g., Patient will present with decreased c/o pain or discomfort AEB rating of below 3 on pain scale by 12/6/2006 or before discharge.
3) Your nursing plan of action to help pt. achieve goal
4) Evaluation of nursing actions and outcomes
5) Goal met or not met
Your actions: Rate pt. pain scale on admission
Administer medications as ordered
Evaluate effect q 4 hours.
Encourage (amt.) increased fluid intake
Record I & O
Monitor lab values
Provide comfort measures
Evaluate pain level
1,you need to state the patients needs.
2, you need to state how you will meet the patients needs.
3, you need to record whats needs to be done.
hope this helps