nursing care plan about diarrhea
dictionary of nursing abbreviations and acronyms
provide lots of liquids with electrolytes like ionic water or gatorade.
Generally, you could use Imodium or Lomotil to stop diarrhea. For other nursing interventions: keep the patient hydrated and electrolytes in balance. Can use Gatorade or such. I myself sometimes use a mix of OJ and gingerale, if tolerated. If the patient is unable to get to the bathroom on their own, bedside commode and lots of chux (bed pads) on the bed. Aloe Vesta cleanser for incontinent patients and an aloe vera or barrier creme for an incontinent patient to prevent skin breakdown. Your nursing problems, as it were are as follows: At risk for electrolyte imbalance r/t N/V, at risk for skin breakdown, at risk for dehydration, all r/t nauseau/vomiting. Also, poor nutrition. Good luck with the care plan. Get a good care plan book from Lippencott or Moseby.