dictionary of nursing abbreviations and acronyms

4 eye teeth??? AT ONCE???? Humor me please???

I thought I was seeing things today. Our baby had a rough night last night…so, I looked in her mouth as we were playing earlier…and counted the tips of 4 eye teeth- 2 of which have just cut through her gumline.

So, how have you dealt with teething and kept your sense of humor??? She was up and down all night even with Children’s Motrin before bedtime, I am sure her little mouth is sore!!! At one point in the night my husband said, “I’d nurse her, but I am afraid I wouldn’t be very satisfying…so she’s all yours…”.

I have always heard that God never gives you what you cannot handle, but I have since asked him if he has checked His agenda for me recently- I think considering all that is going on, I MAY HAVE TOO MUCH ON MY PLATE…lolol

So, anecdotes, stories, etc???
What worked best for you- and what worked not at all???

I’d love to hear it.
…all that is going on in life/work…not with baby or older child. They are wonderful!
I am soooo happy she is still nursing…I don’t know how else I would have gotten her back to sleep last night…it was very comforting for her.
Hmmm…maybe it was something in the air last night for all the sleepless little ones??? Or they are all teething at once?!? Scary thought!!!

I am an overtired mommy…but happy to BE a mommy!

Still reading, keep posting, it looks like I may have all night! (God, I hope not!!!)
Hokie- that made me laugh out loud!
Our son suggested a dog bone- the nylabones- since the help the puppy and HIS teething, maybe it would help the baby??? Nice try son, NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!

I am sure he’d love to put a leash on her as well. He is certain she is growing horns, as well as teeth!

I am going to see if I can get some sleep…thank you-

…and I am up for more stories…humor is key here I think!

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